One of the most flexible ATMs on the market, the ARGO 15 can be configured to hold up to 8,000 notes and has many dispenser options. With a sleek, compact design, it can fit into tight spaces and can be customized with a variety of communications, printer and lock options.
Triton is known for our dedication to security. All our models run on Windows CE™, an embedded platform that Triton has tailored for added protection from fraud, malware and jackpotting. Other security measures include a camera, Macing, SSL/TLS and a firewall. For more information on Triton security click here.
Available with a UL291 certified business hour or Level 1 safe, the ARGO 15 comes with an electronic lock or a Kaba Mas® Cencon lock option. ARGO 15 is ADA, EMV, and PCI 5 compliant with optional Triton Key Management. Also optional, anti-skim card reader, NFC, camera and more.
For the past 40 years, Triton has set the standard for manufacturing innovative cash dispensing solutions. Triton’s affordable, high-quality ATMs are built in the United States and are easy to upgrade and service.